Body of Yeshua

The purpose of this website is to establish foundational truths in your brand new walk with God.
Knowing who you serve and what is expected of you is critical in your spiritual growth. Having a proper foundation will allow you recognize God's promptings, His works and illuminate traps and falsehood. This is called WISDOM.
As you listen, follow along in your Bible. Create a habit of searching and reading scriptures for yourself. You must work out your own salvation with the tool God gave to us; His Word.
As you study and meditate, your faith will get stronger. You will be able to navigate life's pathways with the ready help from the Holy Spirit, who now resides in you.
Thus enabling you in your next important step.
Learning the basic truths of Christianity will aid you in discerning a proper church home to be rooted in. Working in your local body of Christ will stabilize you and bring to 'fruition' the gifts God has placed within you to spread His message of reconciliation, peace, love and eternal life.
Now, learn how to be His hands, His eyes, His feet, His mouth and His heart.
Welcome to the body of Yeshua.

Haven't accepted Christ yet or don't know how. No problem, click 'Learn More'.

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